
Johnston Sans

Proofs of the surviving wood and metal poster type designed by Edward Johnston in 1916 for the London Underground.


The story of Edward Johnston’s commission to design a typeface for the London Underground has been fully documented by Justin Howes in his `Johnston’s Underground Type’ (Capital Transport, London 2000). This very small edition presents a complete collection of all Johnston’s alphabets and is printed from the surviving wood and metal type. It was prepared for the London Transport Museum’s archive.

Johnston four spreads
Johnston prints drying

The contents: 18 Founts of wood type and 3 sizes of foundry metal type. Title page printed in red and black; 25 sheets of alphabets; Colophon.

14 numbered sets: Nos. 1-4 on Zerkall toned mould-made paper, 615mm x 445mm; Nos. 5-14 on cartridge, 640mm x 445mm. Unbound sheets laid in a Solander box with a printed label.

Printed for London Transport Museum, 1993.





Images and design © 1960-2025 Ian Mortimer.